Updating Quicksteam Node

Updating Quicksteam Node


To update Quickstream Node please perform the following tasks:
  1. Check and write down which version of Quickstream Node you are currently using. You can check your version by going to "Control Panel", selecting "Program and Features" and finding "Quickstream Node" in the list of installed programs. 
  2. Download the version of Quickstream Node you want to install.
  3. Backup your configuration.
  4. if you want to avoid restarting Windows stop Quickstream Node service before running installation. Also make sure:
    1. there are no "quickstream-node-setup.exe" 
    2. there are no "qs-engine.exe" processes running in the system
    3. the "Services" list in Windows is closed. 
  5. Follow Quicksteam Node installation Your configuration should not be deleted but keep the backup for extra security.
  6. If for any reason your new version is not working as expected uninstall the new version and install the old one. 
If you are upgrading to the next major version please be aware that the major versions may be incompatible. Always read release notes regarding the new version.
Check if your channels are working properly! In some versions of Quickstream Node they could not autostart automatically!
Always remember to update your Quickstream Client due to incompatible in versions.


To update Quickstream Node perform the following steps:
  1. Backup Quicksteam Node configuration.

  2. Check your Quickstream Node version and save it in case you have to revert to it.

    $ dpkg -s quickstream-node | grep '^Version:' 
    Version: 1.0.5.qs-1
  3. Update package index 
    $ apt update 
  4. Upgrade Quickstream Node 
    $ apt install --only-upgrade quickstream-node
Quickstream node should restart automatically.
Check if your channels are working properly! In some versions of Quickstream Node they could not autostart automatically!
If you experience any problems you can revert your update:
  1. Install your previous Quickstream Node version.
    $ apt install quickstream-node=<previous version of quickstream>
  2. Restore your configuration from backup: Manual.
  3. You can checks what version of quickstream is available by executing this command:
    $ apt-cache show quickstream-node
If you are upgrading to the next major version please be aware that the major versions may be incompatible. Always read release notes regarding the new version.
Always remember to update your Quickstream Client due to incompatible in versions.

Preventing Quickstream from being updated at system update

You can easily lock updating of Quickstream or any other package via apt-mark command.
Locking package: 
$ apt-mark hold quickstream-node 
Unlocking package 
$ apt-mark unhold quickstream-node 

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